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In the ever-evolving narrative of Australian immigration, the plot has thickened with recent policy amendments. The Australian government has made substantial modifications to its immigration policies. Brace yourselves for the key takeaways:

Migration Outlook: Net overseas migration is set to undergo a transformation, decreasing to 375,000 in 2023-24 and further to 250,000 in 2024-25.

Visa Dynamics: The amendments aim to reduce the number of long-term temporary visa holders while opening up expanded pathways to Permanent Residency.

Language Proficiency: As part of the shake-up, English language proficiency tests are getting a makeover. An IELTS score of at least 6.0 is now a requirement for student visas, and a 6.5 is the new benchmark for temporary graduate visas.

Age Considerations: The age limit for temporary graduate visa applicants is experiencing a significant drop, from the current age of 50 to 35.

Change is in the air, and it’s essential to stay informed. For a detailed understanding of how these alterations might impact your plans or for any additional information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Siva Visa.